Contact us

Kaizen Clinics cannot check or reply to emails from patients or otherwise correspond with patients unless they have previously discussed the matter with one of our GPs.

If you need to discuss an urgent matter, please call us directly on (03) 9570 5791 (Oakleigh South) or on (03) 5964 2943 (Seville).

Kaizen Clinics (Oakleigh South)


350 Warrigal Road,

Oakleigh South,

VIC 3167

Phone: (03) 9570 5791

Email: [email protected]

Monday – Thursday: 9.00AM to 6.00PM

Friday: 9.00AM to 5.00PM

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Public Holidays: Closed

Oakleigh South

Kaizen Clinics (Seville)


547 Warburton Highway,

Seville, VIC 3139

Phone: (03) 5964 2943
Fax: (03) 8610 0076

Email: [email protected]

Monday – Friday: 8.00AM to 6.00PM

Saturday: 8.00AM to 12.00PM

Sunday: Closed


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